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March 07, 2006
FreedomWorks and CGEG sites
Dad sent a link to FreedomWorks.org, a site devoted to events and issues on the political scene in the US, with a focus on fiscal conservatism. You can get RSS feeds for news articles, and read lots of articles there.
The site appears to be provided by an organization called the Center for Global Economic Growth.
The principle mission of the Center for Global Economic Growth (CGEG) is to work with public policy organizations which advocate free markets and limited government, and to assist them in developing citizen action groups to promote policies that will foster economic growth and opportunity.
One of the CGEG articles, Hope for Europe?, sees "old Europe" countries eventually moving in the direction suggested by economists such as Hayek and Friedman, whether the upcoming generation has the political capital to do it or not.
Looking at the European political landscape, my own guess is that neither Miss Merkel nor Mr. Sarkozy will have the conditions, luck and spine to do what Mrs. Thatcher and Mr. Reagan did. But what they may be able to do is buy a little more time for Europe until the people understand there is no constructive choice other than following the Anglo-Saxon model of lower taxes, spending and regulation.
Author Richard W. Rahn is probably right that people in Germany and France will eventually vote for supply siders. The European Union might also manage to establish more capital friendly policies without direct intervention by voters.
UPDATE: A factoid: "Milton Friedman's best known work is on the Quantity Theory of Money." (Source) Always wondered where Will Self got the idea for the title of his collection of short stories.
Posted by Mark at March 7, 2006 09:45 PM
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