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March 08, 2006

Open book

After rereading Castaneda's last book recently, I found a Digg for Lucid Dreaming caught my eye. Lucid dreaming is having a dream in which you know you are dreaming, from which point you can potentially direct the dream and imagine you do amazing stuff.

Anyway, the interesting thing is the Wikibook behind that link. It's more than the usual article. People have created most of a book there.

Remember, you can edit any page to add information — simply click on the “edit” tab at the top of the page. Your changes will be visible immediately, but don’t worry if you make a mistake, since other users of the wikibook can fix things for you if you do something wrong.

That sounds like an interesting approach to documentation. Guess I'll go dream about that now.

Posted by Mark at March 8, 2006 09:59 PM

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