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March 09, 2006

On the glut of dark fiber

Digg had a link to a Telephony Online article covering the Chief Architect from BellSouth saying TV over the Internet is going to call for, “massive amounts of cheaper bandwidth.”

Apparently each residental broadband customer today costs the service provider an average of $1 per month. That's pretty close to what you're paying, right?

High definition TV could eat up over 500x as much bandwidth. I remember Ed Zander on stage in 1999 saying network use was doubling each 4-6 months. 2^9 = 512. We should be there in 3-5 years I guess.

Regular definition TV over IP is already on offer here in France, but you need to be close to the phone box where they switch your traffic onto the main network. We're too far away.

Posted by Mark at March 9, 2006 03:39 PM

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