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March 12, 2006

Device recognition better now

Tim wanted me to put Windows 98 back on the Vaio instead of Ubuntu. He wants to use old games that I cannot get to run on Ubuntu with Wine, the Windows emulator.

First of all, the Vaio recovery CDs that reinstall Windows 98 do not include a utility to change the partition table. Good thing I had an old Gentoo CD lying around for fdisk.

Next, there are bad blocks on the disk. Windows 98 is going to run into them some day and break. Will try the disk management tools, but don't know if they'll work.

Finally, using the wireless card with Windows 98 is a pain. The setup and driver didn't fit on a floppy, so I had to burn a CD. It took me a while just to find the driver. Seems to work now. A disappointing bit is that this computer has one PCMCIA slot, so it's either the CD drive or the network, but not both.

Posted by Mark at March 12, 2006 10:16 AM

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