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March 14, 2006

Electric trains

Andy sent me a link to an article on Yahoo! that says the SNCF is going to be putting electric lines between Gières and Brignoud.

That means they can stop running with diesel engines through that section of track. If they can also run the trains at 160 kph (about 100 mph), the trip will potentially take slightly less time.

What I'd like is more time sitting on the train reading however and less time riding the bike. I can read while walking, but have not yet tried to read while riding.

Posted by Mark at March 14, 2006 08:41 PM

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I don't suggest you try reading while biking. The margin for error when biking on roads is too slim for that. Even listening to podcasts or music is dangerous, you get distracted and can't hear other traffic. That's why headphones are banned while driving cars or riding bikes in California. Personally, I didn't try to tune out while biking, rather I enjoyed that little buzz that comes from being on the edge of heightened awareness while commuting on city streets.

Posted by: Andy at March 15, 2006 12:34 AM

I've given up listening while riding, but for another reason: I cannot hear what I'm listening to.

At only about 30 kph (18 mph) the wind is loud enough that either I have to turn the volume up too high, or I cannot even appreciate the spoken word.

Lately while running I've been listening to the brain wave stuff, out of tune sine waves. No breakthroughs yet.

Posted by: Mark at March 17, 2006 08:53 PM