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March 16, 2006

Building playlists

A while ago I ripped my CD collection (except for a couple of recalcitrant CDs that wouldn't rip properly for one reason or another). Maybe when the children have grown I'll be able to sit in the living room and listen to a CD, but for now I need them on the MP3 player.

Listening while jogging along the road is not so good, but listening while sitting in a running car is worse. That's probably why so many adults listen to talk radio. Classical music in my car is like drinking from a mud puddle.

But sometimes I'd like to listen while I'm at the computer. In that case, I'd like to have album playlists. And I don't want to do that by hand for all the CDs I ripped. Do I write my own m3u file builder? Can I find a good one online?

Posted by Mark at March 16, 2006 09:33 PM

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