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March 23, 2006

Too complicated

Tim was asking me this evening how to copy some text from a Wikipedia article on Star Wars to another file. Even that I could see was not sinking in instantly.

Then later I came up here and had network problems. I could get an IP address from the router, and the router was getting two name server IP addresses from the DHCP server it gets the address from. But lookups weren't working. I finally found a printed message from my ISP in which two other, different DNS IP addresses were mentioned. After adding those to /etc/resolv.conf I could browse the web. No sweat.

Then it dawned on me that all of this is too complicated, that I'm warped by my job into thinking that fixing the DNS server IP addresses in /etc/resolv.conf by hand is a normal sort of thing to have to do on the client side. We need to figure out how to make this stuff simpler not just to develop to, but for normal people to debug.

Posted by Mark at March 23, 2006 09:29 PM

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