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March 29, 2006
Shortening lifespan
Forbes.com has an article about how CEOs really ought to manage their stress.
"We've thought for a long time that type A personalities were predisposed to cardiovascular problems, but it turns out it's those who have increased rage and negative stress who have a higher risk for heart disease," says Dr. Woodson Merrell, M. Anthony Fischer director of Integrative Medicine at the Continuum Center for Health and Healing at Beth Israel hospital in New York City.
From here on in, my aim is to leave a good looking corpse. The number 1 suggestion on how to reduce stress mentions marathon running. Another suggestion is to make money. "Having money calms many worries." They also suggest scheduling vacations. True, I have a few days left to schedule.
Posted by Mark at March 29, 2006 10:03 AM
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