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March 30, 2006
Rain, rain, rain
This morning I got soaked on the way down to the train, riding into work, running, and riding back to catch the train. Maybe that's why I'm so tired at this point. No energy to go down in the basement and clean up my bike.
Rain is a primary drawback of commuting by bicycle. It's a no win situation as far as I can tell. The folks who suit up with rainproof gear sweat heavily inside their wetsuits. The rest of us shiver with cold only minutes into the ride. The bicycle chains are liable to rust. The grit goes everywhere. The only way to clean up completely after riding in a downpour, especially if you take the trails as I do, would be to take the bike apart and wash each component separately.
It's still marginally better than being stuck in traffic.
Posted by Mark at March 30, 2006 08:16 PM
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