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March 31, 2006
Score:5, Insightful
Slashdot had an entry yesterday on Lowering the Odds of Being Outsourced.
Somebody with username rsilvergun had the first 5-rated comment:
So the best way to avoid being outsourced IT is to get into management? doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose of getting into IT? That's kinda like saying the best way to avoid losing your job in the steel mill is to get a degree in medicine.
I'm not sure working as a doctor is worse than pouring steel ingots, but I get the idea.
Of course wasting spare time on Slashdot is not going to lower your odds of being outsourced either. That's why you have to get Slashdot as a feed at Bloglines.com. RSS helps improve your effectiveness by enabling you to waste time efficiently.
Update: Somebody with username Captain Tripps came out with another nugget of wisdom.
Maybe it won't be possible, but if I have to go back to school to retrain, the last thing I'm getting is an MBA. I'm gonna look around for another career I like.
And concerning the folks who right now don't have to worry about being outsourced (until we find competent people even cheaper), somebody with username Gopal.V wrote this:
My first job paid about 250 USD per month before taxes. I stuck to it because I was a geek with no great academics to speak of, coming from an outside (read as - not from IIT or NIT) college and hadn't got the financial backing to follow up my GRE score. And in about seven months, I'd end up replacing my father in the earning capacity. It was so scary that I was grabbing at straws with my first job - I'd worked for more than 40 days at a stretch, working weekends and taking five days off to rush home every quarter.
Okay, I give up. Time to water the potatoes.
Posted by Mark at March 31, 2006 08:36 PM
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