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April 06, 2006


Nath was telling me a few minutes ago that she's catching the children lying sometimes. Diane's still too young to do that, but Emma and Tim are old enough.

They don't lie about the same things. Emma apparently lies about how much homework she has. Nath says Emma isn't very good at lying. It's so obvious, Nath can tell from her expression when Emma's not telling the truth. Emma doesn't go so far as to fail to note the homework she has in her assignment notebook, so all one has to do is look at that to check.

Nath has a harder time with Tim. He doesn't lie about homework. (He does sometimes forget very quickly.) Timothee lies about personal hygiene. It used to be he'd "take a shower" so fast the water wouldn't even have had time to drop from the faucet to the bathtub, yet he'd already be finished. Now he actually runs the water. Just not on his body. The funny part is that although he doesn't want to take a shower, he's extremely apprehensive about touching his dirty socks or underwear.

That reminds me of how Matt and I used to "brush our teeth," which consisted of waiting for adults to be elsewhere and then thorougly wetting the toothbrush.

Posted by Mark at April 6, 2006 09:24 PM

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I imagine at some point you went back to brushing. After getting interested in girls and not wanting to have bad breath, maybe?
I have one suitcase weighing 40 pounds already and it does not have all the presents in it.

Posted by: Teena at April 7, 2006 01:50 AM

Yes, I have confidence the balance will tip the other way in a few short years for Tim. Right now, he still says, "Yuck!" when he sees people kissing on TV.

Good luck packing. Tim says he wants to come along to the airport. I'll tell him you said he has to brush his teeth.

Posted by: Mark at April 7, 2006 10:09 PM