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April 12, 2006


Mom and Dana arrived today with their luggage no less. Their flights had been on time all along the way.

Mom said not too many people seem to be flying here in mid April. The plane from Amsterday Dana said seemed about only 1/3 full.

The children were delighted to find that the suitcase full of presents had made it through and arrived at the same time as the grandparents who brought it. Tim in particular got just what he ordered, which was small, green plastic soldiers. Mom brought a whole box full of them.

She was then obliged to play with Tim. Setting up the soldiers. Sorting them by color, size, and weapon. Standing by as Tim made gun and explosion sound effects. He was having a great time.

Mom also helped Emma to get started with a stylist's drawing kit to draw clothes for Barbie and other girls. Mom and Emma spent quite a while working on a sand drawing, where you stick colored sand to a board having color-by-numbers stickers that you peel off to reveal adhesive underneath. The sand is supposed to glow in the dark, but Emma hasn't tried it out yet.

Dana, Emma, Diane, and I managed to play a game of children's Monopoly, a simplified version of the real thing. Trouble is, Emma didn't win. Papy Dana won. At least Diane and Dad lost, too.

Diane got Papy Dana to read to her for a while. She had a great time playing along with the other various games and activities. Mom also found some time to play with Diane, who has a set of flat colored foam pieces that she can stick to paper in the form of animals.

In the end, Dana had to take a nap this afternoon. Mom was almost asleep in the couch before dinner. And that's just round 1. Good thing the children are going to school while the grandparents recover from their jet lag.

Posted by Mark at April 12, 2006 08:35 PM

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