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April 18, 2006

Up north, part II

We had Nath and Diane on the phone towards the end of dinner. Their first train was very late, but they had enough of a layover in Lyon to be on time for the TGV.

Nath says Diane's not having fun. Maui, Nicholas and Jenny's baby, still sleeps a lot. Diane said she thought his eyes hurt. Nath says Diane misses Tim and Emma. She has no one her age to play with until tomorrow. I heard her say she was ready to come home.

Nath sounded fine. Hope she can get some sleep even with Diane in her bed.

Posted by Mark at April 18, 2006 08:33 PM

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Do they really have Hawaiian baby names in France, or is Jenny not French? Maybe it has another etymology, African maybe. In any case, I don't know if it is ever used here, in addition to being the name of an island, Maui is the hero / demi-god of Hawaiian mythology (fished up the islands, gave the secret of fire to humans, lassoed the sun to slow it down, etc). Just like the French don't name anyone Paris, only foreigners do that.

Posted by: Andy at April 20, 2006 01:15 AM

I cannot recall how they chose the name. Jenny's ethnically part Chinese, part Pacific islander, probably part European French. Both Jenny and Nicholas are thus part foreigner at least, as in non-indigenous. So few of us are indigenous any more.

I think Maui's second first name is Kalani, as in the demi-god. Maybe it's better than being named after a guy who wrote up an account of God in incarnated form, one of four writers, since no one writer's version was definitive.

Posted by: Mark at April 20, 2006 06:55 AM