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April 20, 2006
Yet another early morning of eerie nightmares. For the last few days the nightmares have involved ghoulish surgical violence, moods of capitulation, despair that persists on awaking.
I went to bed almost an hour earlier than usual. Managed to read about a page before feeling too tired to focus, but then could not fall asleep normally, and instead tossed and turned.
It took almost half an hour to get out of bed. I wondered about people who say they like to lie in their beds in the morning, going back to sleep after they wake up. Nath says she likes to stay in bed. People who do must not be lying there feeling crushed by depression or illness. Instead they actually feel better than when they get up and get going. Amazing.
Posted by Mark at April 20, 2006 06:32 AM
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If they're like me, sleep is a refuge. Stress and tension can keep me up late and wake me early, but depression and despair don't affect my sleep. So if a little stress gets me depressed, I actually just want to nap or sleep early to escape. Then I don't want to get up either and tend to feel lethargic.
Posted by: Andy at April 20, 2006 10:53 PM