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March 06, 2007
The basement is always news
A pre-birth celebration of mother and baby took place on Saturday. What that meant to me was a lot of visitors and four hours where I was not supposed to be with Debra and her sisters and my mom and most of our female friends. In case you need a traditional explanation, most people call it a "baby shower."
What that meant for our basement was unopened boxes, swings, seats of all kinds, a bassinet or two and one majorly filled up "server" nook. A lot of the stuff we left up in the baby room, too. So much so that for a while I had trouble getting to my clothes in the closet and my shoulder bag (that I carry to work) on the floor.
So now we have had at least two car loads and two SUV loads of baby goods. That ought to be enough stuff that the baby can raise herself. At least, she's guaranteed not to be materialistic.
In other news ...
I would approve if my daughter was in a band that played things that were not instruments but the name sounded like an instrument. To start with she could play the bassinet. Of course it would take the whole band to play the ear drum. At least and make it sound good.
Posted by Matt at 09:29 PM | Comments (0)