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October 31, 2007

as random as ever

Looking at our marketing site for work, http://www.whentomanage.com it is way better than the competition, along with http://www.whentowaiter.com.

Additionally, it comes up higher than they in a google search (for labor). Not sure where our actual enterprise full featured suite comes up because I don't have the right terms or it just hasn't had a web presence long enough.

Of course, our software is better because we use jquery.

Why do I dislike jquery? Because it takes away the programming of programming. The fancy algorithms are done by the jquery team. It has turned it basically into an inventory problem. "How can I quickly and uniquely identify the set of web page elements I want to act upon?" Then do one or two things on that set.

Why do I like jquery? Having someone else do the fancy algorithms finishes your code faster. I don't have time to do a lot of architecture from within the browser.

Posted by Matt at October 31, 2007 10:40 PM


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