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June 22, 2008
Noise-cancelling silverware
Why you ask? Because who hasn't been annoyed waking up to the sound of a loved one slurping cereal and clinking their spoon on the bowl. Who hasn't tried to eat in a diner only to be drowned out by the clinking and clanking. Who wasn't annoyed by the "diner" sounds on that Hangover Cafe Sunday morning radio show.
Additionally, this would give children just learning to use utensils much less incentive to go banging their spoon into their dish or on the table.
Okay, this is really more a cool-factor than anything useful, but "noise-cancelling" is a hot item right now.
Posted by Matt at June 22, 2008 10:25 PM
How about some wooden tableware ?
Posted by: Mark at June 23, 2008 09:49 AM