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May 06, 2004
Using BlogEd
Someone once said speech originated as we had no other way to complain. Writing therefore developed not to keep track of how much we owed each other, but instead to let us refine our complaints.
James Gosling wrote BlogEd on the Mac. His README at the top of the CVS tree says, "I've only ever tried this thing out on MAC OSX, so your mileage elsewhere may vary." My mileage seems pretty good on Sun's Java Desktop System, although the HTML generated looks like it was designed by a developer, rather than a web master. It's not bad on Red Hat 9, but dragging and dropping images does not appear to work.
So why complain? I have the code on my disk, right? Yes. It looks long. I feel tired.
That said, I probably ought to read the code. If you end up having to roll your own tool, you ought to know how a few work before you start rolling.
Posted by Mark at May 6, 2004 11:25 PM