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May 06, 2004
Don't Read This
I expect almost no one to visit my website, for the same reasons no one looks at pictures they have taken more than once, and top entertainers earn millions more than not-quite-top entertainers.
This same expectation reduces stress on the job, when writing about enterprise-class, market-leading software such as Directory Server. No one reads the documentation, so I can make all manner of embarassing mistakes without anyone ever discovering any of them.
One can bear one's soul on one's web site. Only God notices. One might as well be writing email to oneself.
Yet for nearly all of us, the only route to better writing lies in writing (and reviewing and revising) more. Writing mail to oneself can help us prepare for those 15 minutes when we have something to say to someone else. That's my working excuse anyway.
Posted by Mark at May 6, 2004 11:27 PM