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May 07, 2004

Lightweight DS Install Doc?

Sun's current Directory Server inherited code primarily from Netscape Directory Server, but also took some pieces from Sun Directory Server, and from Innosoft Directory Server. As I understand it, all of these inherited code from the original UMich Directory Server. I write product documentation for Sun's Directory Server, an in particular, I've written installation documentation for the product.

For Sun's Java™ Enterprise System 2004Q2 release, we've done away with installation documentation in the Directory Server documentation set itself. Instead, everything sits in the Java Enterprise System Installation Guide. In a way, this looks like a good thing for people taking Java Enterprise System as an integrated software stack.

For those just checking out Directory Server, especially on Linux, it's crazy. One antidote might be to write a Sun DS Evaluation HOWTO.

Sun DS Evaluation HOWTO (Outline, partially stolen from the LDAP Linux HOWTO)

  1. Quick Start (willing to accept defaults to get it running ASAP)

  2. Introduction to Directory Server (LDAP, history, features, performance, scalability, non-free)

  3. Installing Directory Server (bits, components, layout)

  4. Configuring Directory Server (architecture, local/remote mgmt., perf. tuning)

  5. Running Directory Server (start/stop, console, monitoring)

  6. Directory Data (Schema, DITs, LDIF, import/export, backup/restore, replication, grouping)

  7. Directory Access (ACI/ACL, password policies, accounts, SSL, SASL)

  8. Directory Tools (ldap*, perf. tuning tools, JNDI, LDAP C API, plug-in API)

Posted by Mark at May 7, 2004 11:35 PM