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May 07, 2004

CV with OpenOffice

Sun layoffs having gone into a third round recently, I decided the time has come to brush off my CV. So I tried the OpenOffice resume template. The result looks okay in StarOffice format, strange in PDF (on Red Hat 9 anyway), and downright ugly when exported to HTML (somewhat cleaned up version here).

Perhaps I should have another look at HRMML. I downloaded HRMML-recruit.zip, however, only to find that laying out the sample resume.xml with the sample resume.xsl does not work with xsltproc:

$ xsltproc resume.xsl resume.xml
compilation error: file resume.xsl line 1 element stylesheet
xsltParseStylesheetProcess : document is not a stylesheet

I can fix that, but then I get a whole bunch of errors like:

compilation error: file resume.xsl line 119 element value-of
xsl:value-of : select is missing

Does one have to roll one's own set of woodworking tools before one can put up a single shelf?

Posted by Mark at May 7, 2004 09:41 PM