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July 13, 2004

Socionics vs. MBTI

After failing the Socionics Type Assistant test, I kept looking for adjectives. I managed to cobble together 50 and 49.

The Socionics Type Assistant says INFP.

If your type is INFP a.k.a. Intuitive-Ethical Intratim "The Romantic", you are confident and concrete regarding your own beliefs and fantasies, creative and inventive regarding how excited others are about you, delicate and insecure regarding your understanding of how things work, and you wish to have a clear perception and consistency regarding your physical strength or position of authority.

That doesn't seem like me. Maybe forcing myself to select a bunch more adjectives than I feel apply led to false results. Maybe that does describe me well, and I just don't like it.

MBTI said INFJ a while ago. I'm no longer so sure.

Posted by Mark at July 13, 2004 10:34 PM