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August 10, 2004

John Edward Craig

My paternal grandfather, John Edward Craig, passed away yesterday evening. Dad said Granddad had been unusually tired, napping in mid morning at the end of last week.

Granddad at my age was in the US Army. He, my grandmother and my dad moved often, living in places like the Philippines and also in Germany. He and Grandmother used to tell stories about those days, stories like inside jokes where the context never seemed rich enough for anyone to remember except those who'd been there. We inherited our storytelling abilities from them.

Although Granddad fit the definition of curmudgeon especially as he got older but before Grandmother died, Granddad also seemed like one of the last of the people I knew who had real faith in his way of life, his country, a sort of outlook maybe disappearing from our family with his generation.

Sounds like Granddad died in his sleep, relatively peacefully. As Dad says, if you must go, that's probably the way to do it. The funeral is set for 1 pm on Friday.

Posted by Mark at August 10, 2004 10:01 PM


Granddad's full obituary is at http://www.lifestorynet.com/details.cfm?&OBIT_ID=3990

Posted by: Mark at September 5, 2004 08:27 AM