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August 17, 2004


The rain mostly spared me on the way in this morning, except for a symbolic storm starting at St. Ismier. French thunderstorms compare to midwestern hard rains, let alone plains states downpours, as demitasse coffee cups compare to US mugs. Granted I had a hard time keeping my eyes open on the hill down from St. Ismier to Montbonnot, but that had more to do with the angle of the rain than the quanity.

Nath had me buy a helmet. I paid more than I wanted to. But the helmet fits fairly well, and is not as much of a bother as I thought it would be.

The breeze that blew in my face last night and caused me to take about 1:09:35 to get home came from behind this morning. Had I not worried about my brakes on some downhills, I might have shaved off another minute.

Posted by Mark at August 17, 2004 09:54 AM