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August 16, 2004
The Corrections
As mentioned earlier, Stu lent me The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen. I found Franzen's book hard to read. It took me quite a while to finish.
Part of my reticence to get it over with must arise from jealously. Franzen clearly writes so much more effectively than I do that it hardly seems fair for me to use the word writer on my resume. That wouldn't feel so bad if Franzen lived as far away as Shakespear, or even Philip K. Dick. Unfortunately he hails from the same midwest as I, just seems to have observed it with infinitely more insight and perspicacity.
Beyond jealousy, my struggle with this book comes from the sheer cringing embarrassment Franzen produces page after agonizing page. Somehow Franzen shows without telling you exactly how you look down your nose at the rest of humanity, only to burn with the sting of your own abject, petty inadequacy. Every character's every act opens a new window onto your despair of rising even to the level of the cynics.
Highly recommended, nevertheless. ("The food's terrible." "Yes, and such small portions.")
Posted by Mark at August 16, 2004 08:57 AM