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September 06, 2004
Where not to focus
Not sure why I picked up Microsoft Secrets over breakfast this morning. Maybe it was my last blog yesterday.
In any case, it seemed like a different book from when I first read it back in the late 90s while working at Wincap. More likely the reader has changed.
What leapt out this time was not Microsoft's manager's views of how to write and test software, but a few paragraphs of Microsoft upper management mildly regretting how bad their middle management seemed.
Back when Microsoft was securing it's monopoly on the desktop and during the development of the business that made that monopoly possible, senior executives realized middle management at their company didn't rate highly... Apparently the problem was not worth trying to fix, nor did it have an impact in the grand scheme of things.
Posted by Mark at September 6, 2004 09:43 AM