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September 14, 2004
Pot calls kettle black
Forbes sent me a link to an article by Steve McGookin on blogging, in which I read:
Of course, another inevitable, but potentially negative, aspect of life in the blogosphere is the tendency to reinforce partisanship. Most politically-inspired blogs are opinion-based and naturally from one side or the other. Blog readers can therefore, if they so choose, exclusively read only those blogs which reinforce their own beliefs. By allowing the audience to actively choose the opinions it hears, by implication, as Cass Sunstein argues in his excellent book Republic.com, we also allow it to filter out those opinions it doesn't want to hear.
Of course, all Forbes readers spend their evenings reading Chomsky's essays and books about participatory economics, maybe with a nightcap of http://socialistworker.org/. Balance is everything.
Steve, I'm a happy Amazon.com user, but didn't know they had a political commentary section until you pointed it out. Must've been filtering out crap I didn't want to wade through.
Posted by Mark at September 14, 2004 09:56 PM