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October 24, 2004
One long, whitish-gray hair is growing in my right sideburn. I looked at the copyright dates for Borges publications. Ficciones wnet in 1956, though first published in 1944, when he must've been in his mid 40s.
The Chronology at the back of my copy of Labyrinths provides much more. Borges had his first poems published when he was in his early 20s. At my age, he worked as an editor.
While furing the imaginary ascension of Tlö, Borges continued his revision of the unpublished translation of Browne's Urn Burial. I write no poetry, only simple schema repository code, fragmentary blog entries, man pages for a small, forgotten collection of superseded directory tools.
Posted by Mark at October 24, 2004 09:29 AM