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October 24, 2004
Fuller wrote he kept a scrapbook, though he didn't call it that. Drucker claims the executive must review the written record to identify his strengths and weaknesses, to find out who he really is. Drucker and Fuller see writing as contracts with themselves; the salient achievements of a man's life he records in contracts (with himself). This ensures his progression, and permits analysis then correction of failures to progress.
A man's life must resemble history, not literature. A man's life has nothing romantic to offer. His story is not a story, just a history.
Good history and literature do not betray their origins, which are in revision. The unexamined life is not worth living. The unexamined blog not worth writing.
It is only numerically true that in the infinite library, all books exist, and so must the supreme book. In reality, all of us wander endlessly through hexagons of gibberish.
Posted by Mark at October 24, 2004 11:33 AM