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December 08, 2004


I ran gently up to Rochasson and down at lunch today. It only took about 1 minute longer than running hard. In any case, I didn't get any cramps or have any problems like that this week.

Posted by Mark at December 8, 2004 09:05 PM


That's approximately a 2:51:20 Marathon if you can keep that pace for four times the distance! You could even average 12.5 seconds per kilometer slower and still run under 3 hours. Did you really feel like you were running gently?

Posted by: dana at December 10, 2004 04:31 AM

Rochasson is probably not 10 km away, unfortunately. I may be only 8 or something like that. You climb a couple of hundred meters during the first half of the run, however.

Gently is relative to running hard. If I run uphill hard I don't necessarily go lots faster, but I do go to the limit of an anaerobic workout, where I start wheezing and cannot recover until I'm halfway down.

The one thing I'm getting better at is opening up my stride and basically falling down the hill for the second half. So if it takes me 23-24 minutes going up, I still return in about 17-18 minutes.

Posted by: Mark at December 10, 2004 05:31 AM