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December 27, 2004
Ran tomorrow's 5 km today at the track in Pontcharra. I spent 16:13 in the 65-85% heart rate zone, most of the rest above 85%.
I ran 6 x 400 m gently to get my muscles warmed up. Then I ran laps 7, 9, and 11 at high speed, finishing lap 11 at a sprint. My final heart rate for lap 7, likely the fastest lap, was 181. For lap 9, 183. On lap 11 I managed to max. out at 187, one beat per minute above my theoretical maximum.
After laps 7 and 9, my heart rate dropped back into the zone (158 bpm) after 200 m or less at a jog. After lap 11, it took 220 m.
I also tried to focus today on my form, which currenly means lengthening my stride and keeping my head from bobbing up and down. In other words, I'm trying to run smoothly. The basic idea as I understand it is to convert as much energy as possible into forward motion, and as little extra as possible into lateral and vertical motion.
Posted by Mark at December 27, 2004 01:46 PM