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December 27, 2004
The weather's too wet and chilly to go cycling. The 48-hour forcast for Chambery at Metcheck.com shows a break in the precipitation tomorrow morning, but also says it may be -3 degrees (about 27 Fahrenheit). Not sure trying out the new bike computer is worth braving sub-freezing cold.
People are slipping and falling, too. Mom said Grandma slipped and fell, breaking her right knee and raising a big bump on her head. Hope they can make her comfortable while she recovers. Tim and I went to the track yesterday after lunch. He needed to get outside and burn off some energy. We were fine until he decided to climb up the side of a sheet metal ramp for skateboarding. He got too confident, stood up, and prompty fell. No physical harm done, but he slid into the puddle at the bottom of the ramp and came up soaked. Luckily the car was only 2 minutes away.
Posted by Mark at December 27, 2004 07:55 AM