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December 28, 2004

Heart rates

I'm reading at MarathonGuide.com:

Some trainers recommend that runners should not run two consecutive days over their 70% level, setting that value as the ceiling for recovery days. Most agree that hard days should be run at the 85% level, if not higher.

This would suggest I'm working too hard too often. If on a day like today -- an impromptu cross-training day during an "easy" week -- I spend 1 3/4 hours at 83% level on average, my body may not have time to recover enough.

A Runner's World article says:

Your aerobic training pulse is important because it's the pace at which you should do approximately 80 percent of your weekly running, including easy days and long runs.

The trouble with my adaptation of Higdon's novice training program is that I doesn't involve enough exercise in the beginning to keep me from feeling antsy.

Need to stick with it, though, reducing the intensity of the exercise if necessary. Even worse than underexercising is getting injured then not being able to exercise at all.

Posted by Mark at December 28, 2004 03:19 PM