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December 28, 2004

Snow, part IV

Good thing I didn't plan to ride after lunch.

120041228.jpg 220041228.jpg
320041228.jpg 420041228.jpg

Snow started coming down about 3:30 pm, when I took these pictures. At 5 I had to go pick up Emma at Olivia's house on foot. We didn't have too much snow, but cars were slipping and sliding. The plows didn't arrive until almost 6.

Posted by Mark at December 28, 2004 06:14 PM


I think the two pictures of your backyard are interesting when placed side by side. The picture with the retaining wall and fence in view clearly shows the extreme incline of the yard. However, the picture taken looking straight back from the house makes your yard look perfectly flat.

Posted by: Dana at December 28, 2004 09:19 PM