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January 01, 2005

Chomping at the bit

This week included 90 km on two rides, one 45-minute indoor effort, and only 24.5 km running, leaving me feeling undertrained. Yet the more I read about training, the more echoes I hear of what Greg McMillan sums up as:

Don't skimp on the base building. It's much better to include more base (endurance training) and less stamina, speed and sprint training than the other way around.

Maybe that's why I got stuck after running about 10 km in just barely over 40 minutes. Running hard over the same ground each weekday was a rut rather than a training plan.

My current training plan has me chomping at the bit, though. Hope to feel that way still when the weekly long run takes me further than ever before -- my longest single run is a half marathon. Theoretically that long run happens on Sunday, Feb. 20th. It's a 24 km run, almost as much in one outing as I've done all week this week. According to McMillan's site, that run should take me around two hours.

Posted by Mark at January 1, 2005 05:40 PM