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January 04, 2005

Da Vinci Code, part II

Apparently lots of people have read this book and found it worth writing about. If you liked getting caught up in Dan Brown's book about secret societies and cover ups, let me suggest courses from maybelogic.org.

I don't feel rich enough right now to do that for entertainment, but can lend you some of the source texts. Try The Illuminatus! Trilogy or Quantum Psychology.

Rob calls the latter S**t Psychology. Authors who blur the line between fiction and non-fiction seem to bother him. His reaction reminded me of a good quote from one of the readers, a physicist, at Amazon.com, "In fact this book is so awful I am not sure if it is meant to be a parody." One of the guys Wilson did drugs with called himself a stand-up philosopher.

Kafka's friends also laughed when he read them his stories. Only later did the literary critics and psychoanalysts arrive on the scene. What is your relationship with the written word?

Posted by Mark at January 4, 2005 08:43 PM