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January 06, 2005
Patrick Chanezon describes in his Sun external blog how:
Netscape was all about individual personality, Sun about conformance to a process. At Sun you showed your personality in emails, at netscape in web pages.
He admits you couldn't find anything at Netscape (nor can you find anything internally at Sun) without being in the know. I agree search tools can someday bridge the gap -- hint -- and that the care we put into blog entries generally surpasses the care we put into mail, so it's easier to figure out later what the context was when you read somebody else's stuff.
We still need both. Email is a conversation. Blogging is often a monologue. Do we need to make a choice between web servers and mail servers? Can we have both... plus good search engines on the intranet and the desktop (not Windows), too?
Posted by Mark at January 6, 2005 02:49 PM