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January 21, 2005


Tim Bray asks, "What is everybody doing categories for?"

Dude, because they're there. In my various $HOMEs and other partitions at home and at work, I have lots of directories that I created. Often I cannot remember what the heck I was thinking when I created both Backup/ and backup/ and proceeded to fill them with partially overlapping content. I still have to look for things with locate or find and grep.

Maybe we should use each others' directory trees for something things. We already do when we share a CVS workspace or a common repository for releases, for example. But those are cases where we've gotten almost anal-retentively organized to share a public namespace. My blog is like my $HOME, which is a mess. Thank Google we have search engines.

A good thing categories do for me is get me to remember to write about something other than my current obsession.

Posted by Mark at January 21, 2005 10:01 PM