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January 22, 2005
Last night I reread Hal Higdon's suggestions. He lets you run hard today if you like. After a rest yesterday I felt good.
I warmed up running downhill and across the river into Pontcharra, worried I was running too hard for a "long" run. Then in Pontcharra I started to think that instead of a long run, this one would be a stamina run, 83-92% of max. pulse.
Midway through the run I was feeling too good, thinking about running fast and getting bursts of adrenaline. At one point I seemed not to be breathing deeply enough, and so sprinted for a short distance to burn away the excess and get back into a natural rhythm.
The intense part came when finishing off on the half-mile hill up to the house. I was maintaining 95% pulse, the kind of running where your breathing starts to whistle and your legs start to tighten up and burn.
Good thing I took the day off yesterday. Going out for 7 miles at only 10-15 s/km over my 10 km pace helps focus the mind and perhaps push back the lactate threshold. Now drinking plenty to rehydrate and put the glycogen back.
Posted by Mark at January 22, 2005 11:02 AM