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January 26, 2005

Take it easy

Luke sent Stu and me a link yesterday to a tongue-in-cheek Guardian article extolling the virtues of couch-potatohood.

It seems a couple of German researchers found we've got limited life energy capital that burns faster the more effort we make. "We shouldn't dissipate it by the obsessive pursuit of fitness." We're supposed to laugh instead, because stress from overdoing it, "produces hormones which lead to high blood pressure and can damage your heart and arteries."

Running and biking don't stress me out, however. Come to think of it, the worst hormones get produced in volume when I work too hard. So if you catch me laughing out loud in your meeting, or lying on the floor reading when I should be writing your doc, don't feel bad. I'm only trying to stay healthy.

Posted by Mark at January 26, 2005 03:10 PM


On the other hand is Jack LaLanne, an _old_ fitness guru still going strong.

The picture doesn't show up but you can see some on his own campy website. Despite the old-fashionedness, I like his common-sense attitude.

Posted by: Andy at January 26, 2005 06:28 PM

We've had Colin Powell at the Sun Leadership Conference. Maybe we need Jack, http://www.jacklalanne.com/motivate.html.

All the top execs are looking like they'd do better with "99.9% lacto-ovo vegetarian" diets and plenty of exercise rather than doughnuts back on Wednesdays and the occasional round of golf.

Posted by: Mark at January 26, 2005 09:20 PM