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January 27, 2005
Should've run slower, but I was trying to get warmed up. It's quite cold today. -8 C at the house at 7:30, now about -3 C with chilly breezes.
I'm convinced the heart rate reading is inaccurate, as the monitor was behaving strangely for the first kilometer or so. One moment it would register 206, the next 00.
Posted by Mark at January 27, 2005 01:08 PM
Maybe the heart-rate montior is screwy becaause of the cold. Electronics still have less adaptability than the human body. I guess you need a heart-rate monitor cozy :-)
Posted by: Andy at January 27, 2005 07:33 PM
If it were easily affected by the cold, it would be a disappointment.
Polar heart monitors are made in Finland. Presumably they have people cross-country skiing wearing these things out in much colder weather.
Maybe I was just flatlining and couldn't tell. ;-)
Posted by: Mark at January 27, 2005 09:45 PM