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January 27, 2005
Stomach flu, part II
Diane still has stomach flu. Nathalie's exhausted. I took Tim and Emma to school, and then had to come home to pick them up before continuing work from here. Nathalie took Diane to the doctor in Chambery who agreed Diane looks ill. Hope she's well soon.
So far nobody else caught the full force of Diane's flu, although I seem to have a low fever and perturbed digestion. Tim says he has a sore throat, but he didn't say anything about it until we told him to stop reading and turn out his light. Emma thinks she ought to stay home from school to sleep in. This morning she woke up at 6:50.
Posted by Mark at January 27, 2005 09:06 PM
Around here the stomach flu that I have heard people talk about is lasting 2-3 days instead of 24 hours. Hope I do not get anything. Various residents at Mom's nursing home have it, but they keep them in their rooms.
Mom is very out of it. Blood tests do not show anything really out of the ordinary. They are going to stop her sleeping pills a day or two and see if she is less groggy. Isn't eating much because she is too sleepy and her blood sugar is going down too low now.
It scares me to go there and see her, but at least today she was sleeping peacefully and I was reading His Master's Voice that I got through interlibrary loan. Lots of thoughts about death.
Posted by: Teena at January 27, 2005 11:03 PM