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January 28, 2005

Schema repository, part XI

Hacking away at man page generation this afternoon, I ended up needing the URL to the server where I'd stored my repository. I was iterating through a collection of schema objects to get olinks to their man pages, and needed to read the actual object content to get the prefix (a sort of short name):

        iter = objects.iterator();
        try {
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                LDAPUrl objUrl = new LDAPUrl(baseUrl + (String)iter.next());
                SchemaObject obj = COLL.createSchemaObject(objUrl);
                list += getOlink(obj.getPrefix(), obj.getSuffix());
                if (iter.hasNext()) list += ", ";
        } catch(Exception e) {

So don't tell anybody: I just hard coded it in there and left myself a //TODO! comment.

Roughly when I typed e.printStackTrace(); I realized that the core Java code, which has grown to 2053 lines, is crying out for me to go back to the design I scribbled one day on my white board.

Revise, revise, revise. Isn't that what the real writers say?

Posted by Mark at January 28, 2005 09:28 PM