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January 30, 2005


Unfortunately, catching the bug from Diane coincided with a night before a Sunday long run. Last night, I made a deal with myself: Don't go out if you're still feverish in the morning.

Since I wasn't feverish, I decided to use this run as a mind game. Clearly I had to run it slow. I also could give up quite often if necesssary, as the 19.6 km (12 mi) would break down to 4x4.9-km (3 mi) jogs around Pontcharra, with the obligation to drink a half-bottle of sports drink after each.

Drinking was tough after the first round. I'd eaten oats with sliced banana for breakfast, also had juice with some coffee in milk, not to mention plenty of water. My hope was to evacuate before running, thus feeling better when setting out. Instead my stomach felt as though I'd swallowed a volleyball. The first two laps I was also working against the need to stop at the toilets. That can prevent you from concentrating on smooth running.

My pace kept me under 85% for about 1:28:07, with an average 82% heart rate. My heart rate was that high for a couple of reasons. First, there's a sort of battle going on in my intestines. Second, the weather wasn't too cooperative. As bundled as I was, I found it difficult to stay warm. The thermometer at Mr Bricolage registered -6 C (21 F), but a steady wind from the north resulted in a regular continental windchill. The sweat on the outside of my second pair of gloves froze. The air in the north facing quarter of the lap chapped my lips.

As a mind game, this run helped me work on running in adverse conditions, even if I need to take an extra rest day this week before going 20 km next Sunday. Hope we get the 6 C high they're predicting in the extended forecast at weather.com.

Posted by Mark at January 30, 2005 02:58 PM