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March 12, 2005
No breakfast, only water with a small cup of coffee, and water throughout the run. Oddly I didn't hit any sort of wall. I was indeed starting to tire. Maybe the wall is out there at 20 mi.
Maybe a life of overeating has given me a liver like a force-fed goose. Other people hit the wall. I just reach into the warehouse-sized glycogen stores of my overgrown liver, stores sufficient to keep a family of 5 Kenyans running from here to eternity. Either that or my body's getting better at burning fat.
I covered a distance of about 29.4 km (18.3 mi) at 4:53/km (7:51/mi) with all but about 2 minutes of the work in the 65-85% heart rate zone, averaging just over 80%. I should practice running more slowly. It's hard for me to find a comfortable gait at around 70%. It's not such a big deal yet. If I want to add another 50-100% per week to my distance, it might become a big deal.
When I run at a medium or slow pace, the distance seems to have less impact. I can finish a run like today's feeling tired, but not particularly sore.
The temperature was too low for me to dress comfortably. Below freezing when I started. By the end I was foaming at the knees. By that I mean I had foam on my tights like horses are supposed to get when they run a long way.
Posted by Mark at March 12, 2005 12:59 PM