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March 17, 2005
The Art of War
Sun Tzu's commentaries on The Art of War cover the subject from the general's or statesman's point of view. Some critics find this book appropriate for business people as well, but Sun Tzu didn't leave us something that translates into The Art of Commerce. Business is not war.
How far can one reasonably stretch Sun Tzu's descriptions of how to go about warfare? How far can one read The Prince into business, or politics, or everyday life?
In many ways these books were not aimed at me, nor probably at you either. We're not conquering generals or hereditary aristocrats, right? Are those positions worth aspiring to from this point in history? If they're no longer worth aspiring to, what would it look like to move away from those bygone aspirations?
Posted by Mark at March 17, 2005 02:00 PM