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March 26, 2005
Yesterday I told Matt I didn't know what pace to run in the marathon. He asked me how much training I had left. I told him today was going to be my last long run, about 20 miles. He suggested I try my marathon pace today, which come to think of it is what Hal Higdon suggests in his book for novices like me.
So I ran my circuit in Pontcharra, which is 4.9 km, 7 times. That's 34.3 km (21.3 mi). My pace was 4:13/km (6:47/mi). The last lap became unpleasant at that speed, especially the very end. My form was starting to fall apart. In other words, I don't think I could do a whole lot better at this point in my training.
Greg McMillan's calculator doesn't have a slot for 21.3 mi. But 20 is to 21.3 as x is to 2:24:45, where x = 2:15:55, my approximate time for 20 mi. Greg's calculator predicts a 3:01:01 marathon.
My legs are sore right now, but I'm tempted to go for it in Lyon, to try to hang in there with the 3:00 pace team. Will have to see how I feel over the next 48 hours.
Posted by Mark at March 26, 2005 11:53 AM