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March 31, 2005
The time on this one means nothing, but the heart rate is interesting considering that the real workout lasted less than 10 minutes and the rest of the time I was either standing still or jogging slowly.
The core of it was 3000 m, chopped into 200 m slices. I gave myself a minute including each slice plus the recovery interval, running the 200 m slices in just under 39 seconds at the slowest to 36 seconds at the fastest, which was the last of the 15. This was therefore close to Matt's killer interval workout suggestion of 15 reps with 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off.
By the end I was only barely managing to stop wheezing before having to launch into the next 200 m. Since I don't recall thinking about my form after about the 10th rep, my form was probably falling apart. But I feel much better after this workout than the last time I did it, long ago. My recovery rate is significantly better. Looking forward to more concentrated speedwork this summer.
Posted by Mark at March 31, 2005 01:03 PM