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April 16, 2005
Cold rain, snow, and some wind, part IV
Stu and I took Diane over to Lyon today. We had to pick up our packets and numbers. Mine is 1067.
The fun part was driving there. In between here and Lyon a lot of snow fell last night and today. This morning they had to close the autoroute. One lane was open when we crawled through.
Metcheck.com still predicts 2 C and rain with snow. I've been taking homeopathic medecine and throat lozenges, decided to break down and take ibuprofen for my headache after dinner.
Finishing will not be a problem. I've had worse. Not sure to muster the motivation to run it in less than 3 hours, however.
There's one nice thing about being a novice. As long as I finish, I'll be setting a PR tomorrow for both time and distance.
Posted by Mark at April 16, 2005 08:32 PM