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May 03, 2005

Taking the train, part II

This week I'm commuting with the train and my bike. At 15.60 euros, a train ticket valid for the week costs less than the tolls (about 20.50) on the autoroute, not to mention the gasoline (about 25) and the wear and tear on the car. Unfortunately, the trip takes more than twice as long door to door.

In a way I can think of this as additional cross training, since it's roughly an extra hour of exercise 5 times per week. There's some question as to whether I should continue to do it that way, however, and have to add two more showers each day, or instead force myself to ride so slow and avoid sweating. At cross training speed I arrive drenched in perspiration at both ends.

Posted by Mark at May 3, 2005 09:40 AM